Prompt …then the elephant delivered his speech…

The kind elephant didn’t have any food so then the elephant delivered his speech to ask for some, but the other animals ignored him.

There were cheetahs, elephants and some bears and they were all being too greedy so the starving elephant went over to a zoo where people started to feed him food and water. He wasn’t hungry anymore and he stayed there for the rest of his life.

When the greedy animals didn’t see him return, they were so happy that they drank the water and they ate all the food. They thought he was annoying. They shared all the food with each other.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Izzy · 25 June 2020 at 12:01 pm

Hi Eamon,
I really liked that you used a lot of description like when you said “the kind elephant”. One thing you could do is change the start of sentences instead of just then or there, but otherwise I enjoyed your very much. If you would like you could visit my blog:

oliver · 25 June 2020 at 12:17 pm

hey Eamon
i really like you’re post my favourite part was when the elephant went to the zoo
one thing you need to improve on in stead of and some bears you could of said and a few bears

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