There is a very big problem that is happening around the world that we need to address now.
The earth is overwhelmed with all of the greenhouse gases that we release at an alarming rate and are making our world too hot.
There is too much evidence to ignore Climate Change as a myth. If you complain, you do not care for the exotic species that roam around the earth because their habitat will be destroyed.
If you are sceptical, ask a climate scientist for the facts on how to be green and do your part to save the planet.
Categories: 100 Word Challenge
Shuya Zuo · 17 October 2021 at 8:51 pm
You have a very clear and strong argument Michelle! I like how you deliver you message directly to the reader.
James (Team100) · 18 October 2021 at 9:12 pm
You have used all of this weeks words and your arguement is both valid and pressing (urgent). But I wonder if maybe you told a story about the animals in danger if it might feel more urgent to your readers. Stories can be very powerful.
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