Prompt: …he felt really ill…

One morning, Riley woke up to the birds chirping and the cold wind rushing through the forest outside. Today was the day of the big maths test at school, and he felt really ill.

“Come on! Come on! Get up or you’ll be late for school,” his mother said to him in haste.

“I can’t go today. I feel really sick,” Riley pleaded.

“No. You have that big maths test so you can’t miss school, and that’s final!” his mother scolded.

So Riley pulled himself out of bed, got dressed and went to school after all, despite being extremely unwell.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Mrswills1 Team 100WC · 29 November 2020 at 9:08 pm

Congratulations on your response to this week’s challenge Jamison. I can see the effort you put into carefully choosing the vocabulary you used. It makes your text easy to visualise. Thank you for your accurate punctuation – that helps your reader to easily understand your writing. I think many readers will relate to feeling ill on the day of a major test. I enjoyed reading your text this week.🙏

Carina Zhang · 30 November 2020 at 8:51 am

Hi Jamison,
Well done! The descriptive words and everything are amazing! You used a conversational approach to describe Riley’s ‘struggle’ before he got up, and the word “pulled” showed Riley’s inner reluctance. This is an excellent 100 word challenge! Keep writing, Jamison!

Carina Zhang (Team 100)

Carina Zhang · 30 November 2020 at 8:55 am

Hi Jamison,
Well done! The descriptive words and everything are amazing! You used a conversational approach to describe Riley’s ‘struggle’ before he got up, and the word “pulled” showed Riley’s inner reluctance. This is an excellent 100 word challenge!
Keep writing, Jamison!

Carina Zhang (Team 100)

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