Prompt: “But where did it go?” she shouted.

“But where did it go?” she shouted. I looked down at my shoes and mumbled.
“What was that?” she snapped.
“I lost it”, I repeated, looking away.
“How?” she asked. “How on earth did you lose it?”
I looked down at my shoes again, then back at her. “Well, I saw an ice-cream van, so I put it down and ran after it….” I paused for a second, but got angry looks from her, so I kept going. “When I returned, it was gone…” I stood there, for what seemed like forever.
All of a sudden, the weirdest thing happened, she laughed.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge

1 Comment

Terry Team 100WC · 29 October 2019 at 2:14 am

Hi Edward, I really like this story. You have managed in so few words to show so much of what is going on here. Not just the action but a real feeling for the emotions of the characters. Good work, well done.

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