Jack and I were test subjects for a new shrinking product. We had already tried it on a sheep and it seemed to have worked. Mum and Dad didn’t want me to do it but I just said to them, “I want to explore the world. You shall call me Beetleboy and Jack, my sidekick, Cocky Cockroach.”

Jack and I were ready to shrinkify so we drank the potion and Jack exclaimed, “It tastes like burnt apples!” We shrunk and went to investigate outside where we found a dead bee on the floor. Little did we know that it was a ZomBEE!!!

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Mrs Boyce · 11 November 2020 at 5:50 pm

Hi Angus,
I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
I love your TITLE – It immediately aroused my interest and now I want to learn more about their adventures.
I think you’ll have to write a series.
Good work this week.
Keep writing.

Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)


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