Words to be used: fringe, black, washed, eggs, flickering

Greg was walking through the forest one hot afternoon when he fell upon a nest of eggs that looked like they had fallen from the tree above. The eggs were black and slimy and about the size of ostrich eggs. He sold four of them and kept one for himself. After a week, the egg began to hatch. Greg was shocked. It was a green, spotted dragon with an orange fringe and a long mane. Greg washed it every day. Sometimes flickering flames would spark out of its mouth as it learnt how to blow fire. Greg named him Dodo.

Categories: 100 Word Challenge


Em · 7 February 2019 at 12:41 pm

Your writing was very imaginative. It was amazing. I think everything was great!!
I live in Australia too but in Queensland!!

Cam · 12 February 2019 at 1:15 am

Hi Michelle I love how you used your imagination throughout this piece! I wrote about 3 kids trying to break into a bank for this week! I know people who write stuff just like what you wrote for fun. How did you come up with this idea, and a tip you could use for next week is you can put your writing piece in google docs highlight it hit tools and spellcheck because there was one spelling error that jumped out at me.

From Cam in Illinois, Write me at https://kidblog.org/class/am-ray-rockstars-201819/posts?author=2s79pjmftc54vbn6lhjlpoic2&status=published&status=review&status=draft

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